Family breakdowns can be one of the hardest experiences you will ever have to go through. You know that the decisions you make now will shape your family’s future. It’s difficult to think straight, when it seems like your life is falling apart in every direction. You will find us approachable and ease of address, down to earth, but meticulous in our approach, where necessary.
We are divorce specialists and deal with all types of divorce – which range from large and complex divorce cases including those involving private companies, property empires, trusts, international/hidden assets and investments to basic divorces – all of whom are assured of our best attention. At the same time, we try to give you the best advice for you to find the best solution as early as possible, as contested divorce matters can be very expensive.
We understand the issues, and have helped many people dealing with similar stresses, we try to help you have the right mindset, so that you can get through this traumatic experience as best as possible. We will explain the process and the law in plain English, so that you can make informed decisions.
There are never clear winners, when it comes to separation and divorce. We will help you work out the best way for you, in your situation and negotiate in an effective and constructive way. Much of what happens depends not only on your mindset, but also your partners, whatever the situation we will calmly see you through it and act in your best interests.
No matter how hard, we will stand by you and work with you to find the best possible outcome for you and your family. We always encourage our clients to keep an open mind, be reasonable and try to reduce the emotions to a minimum. Otherwise, if you are upset, angry or bitter, it is difficult to make the right decision, whatever is offered to you. We will give you impartial and practical advice, as you do not want our sympathy, you want us to advise you as to what is best for you.
Our experience family law solicitors and caseworkers are empathetic and highly skilled. You will find us friendly, practical, discreet and where necessary firm. The Courts expect all parties to generally agree to some form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) e.g. Mediation. Parties that fail to do so may be subject to costs sanctions, even though the starting point for matrimonial matters is that each party pays their own costs, unless they act in an unreasonable way that the Courts consider that costs sanctions should be made against that party.
Amicable separations and divorces – If you have already worked out a fair plan that is agreeable to both parties, then we can help make it legally binding. This is commendable and highly recommended.
Collaborative law – If you want to deal with the issues you’re facing in a non-confrontational way then we can help. We will recommend you to see Mediators, who will meet with you, your partner and your partners legal representatives to work out mutually acceptable solutions to your issues. It is our standard practice to keep the possibilities of resolving all issues amicably, that will be the best solution for your situation.
Contested hearings – If ADR, negotiation and/or Mediation does not work in your situation or is unsuitable, then we will be your effective “mouth piece”, stand up and fight for your rights in Court to secure the best result for you. We will explain your legal position and the likely outcomes.
Children Act matters – Live with and visiting contact (commonly known as residence and contact) – Making arrangements for your children following a family breakdown is not easy, especially when feelings are running high. Many parents are so immersed in their own thoughts that they forget that it is the child’s right to contact with the absent parent. There are only limited situations (e.g. when the child is in real danger) where unsupervised contact cannot take place. In many circumstances, this is overcome by having supervised and/or supported contact, usually in a contact centre. We will make sure that the children’s best interests are at the heart of every discussion and that your rights as a parent or grandparent are upheld. Depending on the child’s age their feelings and wishes can be taken into account.
Financial settlements – Your future depends on an equitable split of your finances so we will make sure that all of the assets are on the table and that the division is done fairly. Our personnel have dealt with some very complicated financial remedy claims with up to seven Respondents, UK and off shore companies, many with international elements. We therefore ensure that there has been full and frank disclosure. You should therefore be assured that we will fight your corner, if an amicable resolution, which we actively encourage, cannot be find.
Domestic Violence – If you feel in immediate danger, you must first call the police and if you have been assaulted you must get medical attention straight away for any injuries you might have. Once you are out of danger, we can help you get the protection to need to ensure you and/or your children remain safe. We can get Injunction Orders in place quickly, on an urgent basis, when necessary, to protect you, in many cases the Court can include a Power of Arrest to be attached to such Injunction Orders.
Family Law (non-married couples) – we deal with clients that are not married and have issues with children and/or Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA) claims.
Cohabitation Agreements – If you are considering moving in with your partner without getting married, we could help you put together a Cohabitation Agreement. This clarifies:
Who owns what, including your home, joint bank accounts and belongings;
How payment of household bills is to be divided; and
Maintenance payments for any children, including school fees and payments for housing.
Cohabitation Agreements are legally binding and enforceable, giving you real peace of mind and security for the future.
Child care proceedings – If social services are threatening to take your children into care or have already done so then we can help. This is a skilled area of law and requires careful attention.
Pre-nuptial & Post-nuptial agreements – No one likes to go into marriage anticipating the worst outcome, but yet, it is important to protect your rights. This also applies to post agreements after your marriage. We will try to make such difficult conversations less awkward by working out whether you need an agreement, and if you do, what terms make sense to both of you.
Experienced family law solicitors at your side.
You do not have to go through this alone. Our experienced family law solicitors will help you fairly lay the past to rest, build strong foundations for your future, and get your change of lifestyle off to the best possible start.
Contact us for a friend and confidential without obligation chat.
Get a Divorce: a gov.uk guide
The Law Society: Getting a Divorce
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